Friday, September 23, 2011

Recent thoughts on the battle for Life...

I know it has been quite awhile since I have updated and this is not going to be the most "joyful" of posts, but the last few hours have inspired me to share some of my thoughts.

A little introduction... I have been a fan of the show Grey's Anatomy for several years, mainly because I am an abnormally emotional girl and need my weekly dose of drama. :) I have ignored my conscience over several story-lines the past few seasons, mostly seeing them as harmless or just a part of a fictional world. The latest story-line that has developed has made me realize that enough is enough. One of the main characters decided that she would rather be a surgeon than a mother and chose to abort her unborn child. At first, I thought the writers might be able to shape this story into a positive thing for the Life community, particularly because the character's husband was so adamantly opposed to her decision. I thought that even if she went through with the abortion, the writers would have no choice but to show how devastating the consequences would be for her, her husband, and their relationship. On last night's episode, however, the husband eventually decided to support her decision after accepting some extremely faulty logic from his wife's best friend, who said that growing up with mother who resented her nearly killed her and no child should have to go through that. HELLO?!?! Growing up with a resentful mother may have nearly killed her, but abortion would have DEFINITELY killed her! I get the feeling that the story is not completely over (it never is on Grey's Anatomy) but this was definitely a step in the WRONG direction and I do not want to be a part of it anymore.

As saddened as I was by this story on one of my favorite shows, I was even more distraught over the reviews and recaps of the episode and even more so by the comments posted at the end. While there were a few dissenters, the majority of the comments praised her decision, the quality of the writing, and the phenomenal acting of the actress. Even those who did not agree with the decision did not do so because they saw abortion as wrong, but only because in this specific instance they considered the decision to be selfish. Many of the arguments pointed to the baby being only a "potential human" or, worse, "a lump of cells." They referred to women who have children as "mindless incubators" who fell to the pressures of human society and family obligations. How disgusting! I was in tears as a read these words!

This whole experience reminded me of what an uphill battle we are fighting because we are not just fighting against abortion or the morality of our society, we are struggling against a foe who has nothing to lose. However, when I was distraught about everything I was reading and once again feeling a deep fatigue over the work we are trying to do, God did two things. First, He reminded me that He is in control and that He has already won the ultimate victory, through Jesus Christ. I was getting so upset that I decided to open my Bible and this was the first thing I saw:
"When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true:
'Death has been swallowed up in victory.
''Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?'
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."  -1 Corinthians 15:54-57
The second thing he did was use a friend to remind me that there are so many people out there who do care and are willing to stand for Life no matter what. Right after I saw this verse from Corinthians, I got a text message from a friend showing her prayerful and purposeful response to a campaign/fundraising letter from Planned Parenthood:

What a great response!!!

What an awesome God we have!!! He knew exactly what I needed when I needed it and turned my really crappy morning into an awesome testament and reiteration of his love for me! I feel refreshed and ready to start another 40 Days for Life campaign next week and continue working at the Bush School so I can be qualified to continue this great work the best that I can! Praise God and YAY JESUS!!!!! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Name.... New Style!!!

Welcome to the new version of my blog! Since I am no longer in Seattle, I have revamped my blog to better express myself. Enjoy!

Final Days in Edmonds

I'm not going to do a long post with lots of words to tell you how my last few days in Edmonds were.... instead I'm going to show you with some awesome pictures!


Edmonds Sunsets

Edmonds has some of the most glorious sunsets I have ever seen.... here are a few of my favorites from throughout the summer!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Name Change!!!

Hello, everyone! In spite of my dismal update record this summer, I have decided to continue this blog past the internship experience. However, since I will not be remaining in Seattle, I am going to have to change the name. This is where I need your help. I am REALLY bad at coming up with catchy blog names. I have a few ideas bouncing around, but if you could give some input or suggestions, that would be very helpful. I would like the name to include something to do with music, Jesus, Lutherans, pro-life-ness, etc. One idea I had was "Joyful Noises," but I wasn't entirely sure. So anyway, leave a comment here or on facebook with your ideas and I will love you forever!

Thanks and much love!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Davis Family Reunion

While I was up here working, the rest of the Davis clan decided it was once again time for a good old fashioned Davis family reunion. My family came up the day before I left for Shoshone and my dad's sister and the rest of the Mansfields got here a couple days later. After my family went to the mountains for a couple of days (I had to stay and work) and the Manfields took a trip to Victoria, we all got together, along with the Taziolis, for a trip down memory lane and headed to Big Four Mountain.

The goal of the trip was to recreate a picture we had taken of the kids (that would be my siblings, cousins, and me) about fifteen years ago. However, after hiking the entire trail, we realized that the picture was NOT even taken at Big Four, but in California at Sequoia National Park. FAIL! Oh, well, we still managed to have a lot of fun, as we always do when we are all together. The scenery was beautiful, even if it was a dreary day, and I think the trip was well worth it.

Family minus one
My cousin's two month old, Adah
After eating lunch at Big Four, we headed down to Granite Falls, and visited the fish ladder. I was a little scared of the grates that we had to walk on, but it was worth it! :)

Hannah and I with our cousin, Emily
We love each other

The next day, we took a tour of Seattle on one of the "ducks," an amphibious vehicle driven by crazy tour guides. We saw a lot of thing I had already seen, and a few things I hadn't. My favorite part was the trip out on to Lake Union and learning all about the houseboats and "floating houses" along the lake (apparently there's a difference).

John and my Aunt Andrea
The "real" Seattle Grace Hospital... not a hospital at all!
After the tour, the Mansfields moved on to the rest of their vacation and the Davises settled down to enjoy a few more days together. Hannah and I had several late night talks out in the camper we were sleeping in. On the last day of their visit, Hannah, John, and I took a trip over to Kingston on the ferry.

After we enjoyed some ice cream and John worked on his stalker skills (its a long story), we started our return to Edmonds. Halfway there however, Hannah and I both got text messages that said simply one word.... Christina!!!

Our sister had just given birth way over in Wisconsin to my beautiful niece, Christina Faith! The announcement was the perfect way to end a wonderful vacation!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Reunited and it Feels SO Good!! SBC 2011

Finally, after three, long, agonizing years, I got to return to my favorite place on earth, Shoshone Base Camp, in Prichard, ID. For those of you who don't know, I worked as program staff at Shoshone, a Lutheran summer camp that specializes in youth servant events, the summer after my freshman year of college. Until this summer, no three months had ever made such a difference in my life. The staff I worked with (Clint, Alissa, Meghan, Kimmy, Bear, Kyle, Jordan, and Dallas) truly became my family and each one taught me something extremely significant about myself and the person I want to be. Not only was that summer one of the most spiritually uplifting times in my life, but just look at the place! How can you not feel close to God in such a gorgeous environment!
Shoshone at sunrise
While I was there, I participated in a servant event painting fences (painting projects were a staple of my time at Shoshone), went to a few campfires, ate meals in the chow hall, had dinner at the Snake Pit, rode a horse (first time!) and went on a bike ride, my first one since all of my health problems began. The bike ride was especially wonderful. We rode down the Shoshone Creek Road, one of my favorite rides, for about five miles. It was such a gorgeous day and I got some great pictures! And, the best part, my knees and back handled it just fine! What a difference from just last year!

One of my favorite spots along the road
Seriously! Best bike ride EVER

The highlight of my trip, however, was finally getting to meet Clint and Alissa's girls. Addison and Ella were both born since I left and I have been looking forward to meeting them face to face for a long time! They were both such wonderful and sweet girls!

Addison is the blonde and Ella is the brunette
Addison and Alissa
Ella and me.... we had a special bond :)
My Shoshone family!
The weekend was full of old memories, new experiences, reunions, and fun. I can't wait to go back again!

Walk with Bear to Riverside Chapel

Bear and me!
Meghan and me!
Good old Shoshone Base Camp, how I will miss you!