Thursday, November 12, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015!

I am so excited to share my first ever Christmas letter with all of my closest family and friends! God blessed me with so many exciting adventures this year that I couldn't help but want to share them with all of you.

The first (and most significant) adventure of 2015 was a new addition to start my own little family- Ginny, the whippet-labrador mix!

Ginny came home with me in February after spending six months in a shelter. She is now two years old and is adjusting very well to life with Laura! We've had a few bumps in the road, but every day I see a little more of her personality. She loves to run (she is a whippet, after all), hike, cuddle, give kisses, and play with her toy fox. Her affection and playfulness have already made a huge difference in my life, and I can barely remember what it was like without her.

A typical Ginny picture- she loves to smile!

My work with Lutherans For Life continues to be a joy and a challenge everyday. Y4Life is growing, and I am blessed to meet and mentor so many students who are excited about spreading the love of Christ through life issues. LFL also continues to allow me to travel all across the country- meeting students where they are at and providing an opportunity to share my passion for Life with them.

Some awesome students at the
March For Life in Washington, D.C.

In 2015, Lutherans For Life took me to Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Phoenix, Estes Park, New Orleans, Orlando, New York City, Yale University, and all across the Midwest. God always amazes me with the ministry opportunities he provides on these trips, as well as the opportunity to explore and have a little fun along the way. Check out some of the pictures from my LFL  travels this year:

Visiting with Dan while in Florida
Hanging out backstage with Sanctus Real at the
Nexus Student Pro-life Conference in St. Louis

Exploring Rocky Mountain National Park with students at FLY-
the bi-annual Association Free Lutheran Youth Conference
Visiting Central Park
during my trip to New York

In addition to all of my travels with Lutherans For Life, I also found some time to explore a little bit on my own. While I was in Colorado, I got a chance to visit with my godparents in Colorado Springs for the first time in over a decade. It was so wonderful catching up with them. I am blessed to have their encouragement and prayers!

Ron and Debbie, my wonderful godparents!
Enjoying fresh spring water in Manitou Springs, CO

I ventured away from the continental United States in July to serve as a chaperone for my church's high school mission trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico. I had a great time serving with our DCE and some incredible youth- they witnessed to me at the same time as they served the people of San Juan.

Fort Cristobal in Old San Juan

VBS at our host church

Northgate Peaks in the Kolob Terrace section of the park
I continued my annual National Park trip by visiting Zion National Park in Utah with my best friend, Caitlin. Zion was such an amazingly beautiful place- it was incredible to see God's hand in forming the magnificent canyons and cliffs. Caitlin and I had a great time together and made the most of our three-day journey by hiking over 25 miles!

Celebrating after successfully navigating the Zion Narrows

Hiking in 108° heat at Red Rock Canyon in Las Vegas
Canyon Overlook at sunrise

We drove about 100 yards into Vermont,
just so I could add the state.

I visited New York and Connecticut in October for work and, while I was there, I took the time to explore New England and do a mini- Davis Family history tour with my Dad. I got to see where my grandfather and great-grandparents grew up and meet my great-aunt and uncle. I also added six new states to my list- as of the end of this year I have now visited 45 U.S. states and one territory!

Wickford, RI- my Grandpa Davis's hometown

I am still enjoying life in St. Louis, where I am blessed to have friends who are like family and a church where I can share my gifts through music and through Lutherans For Life. So many incredible things have happened in 2015- God is so good to me, and I am looking forward to where he will take me in 2016!

God's Blessings and Merry Christmas!

Love, Laura and Ginny